El altar del atardecer.

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El altar del atardecer.

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Taken on: December 18, 2024
Sets appears in:   Fotos con el movil    Paisajes    more » Falset    « less
Groups appears in:   Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    Español    more » Photography    UK Flickr users    日本語flick'r    Magic Moments    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Compositions    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Amateurs    iFlickr    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    Vertical [No AI or SL]    Creative Photography    Photographic Art    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Lonely Planet    100 Club (All pics must have been 'Favorited' at least 100 times    1000 Views    Photography Corner    Please don't break the only rule. No rules here!    This    400 views    Total Photography (No AI or SL)    <<<< THE FLICKR FUN AWARDS >>>>    Nice pictures    Landscape Exploration    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    1000 views + 40 faves - Quality AND Quantity    ANY PHOTOS ALL THE TIME!!!!    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    1500 views + 60 faves - Quality AND Quantity    Favorites: 200    Just me and my camera !    CLICK the CAMERA    The World Through My Eyes ...    Young Travelers of the World Unite!    * Flickr en Español    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    `No Rules!    Views: 3000    *Inspirational Travel Photos    Paisajes del mundo/World Landscapes    400 View Club (Max 499 Views)    Digital Photography School    favorites 100+    Samsung Electronics    TRAVEL Photography!    Aspiring Young Photographers    I Saw The Light! Light & Shadows, Nightime, Light Painting, HDR    Rural Photos    *Karma*    worldwidewandering - a travel atlas    * OUR WONDERFUL WORLD *    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    favorites 100 and more    Club 1000    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    200+ Faves 1-2-3 (Post one,Comment and Fave two)    fotos de tus viajes, escapadas o paisajes favoritos / photos of    Lonely Planet Publications: Photobook    Fotografia lo que se te antoje    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    Beautiful Earth    Beautiful Capture    Flickr-Fotografen- Deutschland    Amatuer Photographer    OBSESSIVE PHOTOGRAPHY (30 PER DAY)    Your Best Photography    **Explore Unexplored!** (10 Favs & No Explored)    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Landscape: The best Group on Flickr    Viajar / Travel    Flickriver    Photography Un-limited    PHOTO NOW    Outdoor Photos    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    Scenic Areas or Photos in Rural Areas    Better Than Good    Mapeo fotográfico de España.    Landscapes of the World    攝影人碼頭 [ Photographer's Wharf ](post 1,award 2)    The Best from the best! *Quality Matters* P1, C2    calatorind prin.... viatza ( Journey through..... life )    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    " NATURE _ Limited " ▬►Flora & Fauna◄▬ Landscape    ALL Welcome - I am sick of 'rules and regulations - New Contest    Spain in photos    PERSONAL BEST - Preserving Meaningful Moments    LANDSCAPES DREAMS -Please comment on two (2)!!!    DIGIFOTO Pro    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    *Best of landscapephotography worldwide*    I am flickr! - No 30/60 Limit    The Best Picture Gallery!    -Spirit Of Photography    Creative Art Photography    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    The best moment.    The World of Travel    Photography Idol >>> Comment 1, Invite the best Artists you know    Flickr Number One !!    Paisajes que mas te gusten    ! I Love My Pics No 2nd Life Pics!!    "IQ" - Image Quality    Aficionados con ganas de mostrarse - Fans with desire of would.    Samsung Mobile Photography    Travel Planet    50+ Faves • 50+ Comments    Una Esfera Suspendida en el Espacio llamado Tierra. Sub.1 Com.2    Una Imagen Vale Más Que Mil Palabras. RETO: Tu mejor foto    "Croque NATURE"    1,000,000 Photos    Nicely Composed    Baú Group Images    Lighting Aspects    Nuevos Fotografos    Still Images: The Art Of Photography    Fav dispenser - Beautiful for us!    *Blue Magic* Add 1 – Comment 1    The Biggest Group! - Playground For Psychotics    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    Art of Images ~ AOI L1~ ( Post 1, Award 3) NO "AI Portraits"    !!Perfect Composition!!    ~ Flickr's Finest (100+ Faves Only) ~    Flickr's Biggest Group    TODO FOTOGRAFIA // ALL PHOTOGRAPHY    Travel and Escapades    A. VENTANA A LAS FOTOS- L 1 - WINDOW TO THE PHOTOS - PON 1, COM    ***Favorite landscape    ***El Baul de las Historias***    National Geographic | World Wide    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    The Best Captures AOI~AOI L2~ Admin Invite) (P1-Award & Fave3)    ! !^FreedomHawk Level 1 (Post 1:Award/Fave 3)    It's the Composition, Flickr    Turismo por todo el mundo    Paisajes de España    Wow!! (Post 1- Award 1)    Exquisite LIGHTSCAPES (Invite other if you like)    Topaz Software    Tus paisajes favoritos&Only Landscapes Dreams.    Landscape Beauty !    Europe on Flickr    ♦♦♦ BELLE INQUADRATURE ♦♦♦    The world of photography    Flickr's "BEST" pictures !!    as beautiful as you want    Primavera, Verano, Otoño e Invierno P1-C3    :: Arte De Luz ::    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    *Splash*(P1/A2) - ongoing Monthly contest    New MaXimum (No 30/60 Groups Limit)    ***Flickr Global    Photos Around the World - Fotos de Todo el Mundo    Landscapes with Atmosphere    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    National Geographic Group    *That's MY Photo ! *    FOTOHISPANIA    Creative Photographer on Flickr! (Post 1 - Award 1)    The NEW Flickr. "BEST" picts.!!    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Photos beautiful    Embrujo -Sólo fotos invitadas- Sube una (1) comenta tres (3)    Fluidr    Obiettivo & Fotocamera    [][][]All Welcome[][][]    Natur----exklusiv----nature #1    Las 4 estaciones&The 4 seasons. Vivaldi (P 1/C 2)    ♦♦♦ TAGLIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    ♦♦♦ TUTTI GLI SCATTI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Mordus de photos    " ARTSHOW " - Quality images only - P1/C1 -    "U.K. Photo Gallery" ( All Welcome )    Only "The Best" are Memories through Photography    We Are Free / Somos libres    *Golden Apple Award* P1 & C2    FLICKERIANS    Amics de la Càmera.    Suspiros!!    Flickr SHUTTERSPACE - Post 1 / Award 2, Please    Artistic Impressions (Post 1: Comment 1)    !* VAN GOGH AWARD (Post 1 / Award 2)    *MM - Artistic Photos*    National Geographic Society    «★» FLICKR EXPERT GROUP «★» POST 1- AWARD 4    "LUMEN" ☀ Zauber des Lichtes ☼ Magic Light ✺    Gate to Paradise, Free Group for Free Artists, It's your group    ᗪiscovery .ᗯorld    [][][]serenity group[][][]    SNIPPETS OF LIFE - RECORTES DA VIDA P1/A3    [][][]Uno scatto al giorno.....H.C.BRESSON[][][]    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Fantastic Landscapes (P1,A2)    NATURAL BEAUTY P1 C1    THE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! CORDIALLY YOURS!    [][][] GREAT SHOT [][][]    [][][]Beyond time[][][]    [][][]yokopakumayoko**International Photo Gallery**[][][]    **** knackig bunt *** VIVID colored    Open exhibition at Flickr! Post 1 Award 1 !    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    WORLD Photography (Post 1 / Award 1)    [][][]La Mascotte **Gallery**[][][]    A PHOTO SOCIAL PROJECT : social Experience    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    SYMART    Bite Me!    Free Fallin'    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    Planet Earth!    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    ! The Art of Light !    Hasta los mismísimos de poner comments...P 3 C 0 ;-))    my life is a picture...    Blink Again - Post 1 - Comment 2 (no 30/60 limit )    4 SEASONS MAGICAL REIGN    100+ Faves Masterpieces (Post 1, Comment and Fave 1 or more)    Fine Gold    Flickr Fotografias - Photo    Union of Free Photographers    Great Images    YourSELF - Through Picture [Post 1 - Award 3]    Photographer Universe    Amateur Exclusive    [][][]I'll show you pictures of my friends[][][]    Photograph is Memory    * Stimmungen der Sonne * soul of sun *    Flickr OBSESSION'    ♥ ♥ ♥ IMMAGINI - FOTO - SENTIMENTI ♥ ♥ ♥    Svenska Naturfotografer    [][][]A world of photography[][][]    Nature's Gallery - No 30/60 Limit    10 Million MORE Photos    ` FLICKR ´    Paisajes bellos    TLP - Travel Light Photography    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    Fotografare Rivista    ☼DIBUJANDO CON LA LUZ☼ - ☼DRAWING WITH LIGHT☼    La Fotografia como Hobby    UNFORGETTABLE IMAGES. ( OPTED OUT OF 30/60 RULE )    Your Best Shot For Today    A Photographers View    ₪ GAGA 4 ARTS ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    Flickr Hall of Fame    TARJETA VISA ORO PARA TU FOTOGRAFÍA    Universal Art    Camera, café...acción!!    SARDEGNA chiama SICILIA e viceversa.    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    750 Views Unlimited    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    Travelling Pixels    digital is the devil    NUESTRAS FOTOGRAFÍAS.    Flickr center    I Will Photograph Anything...Will You ?    The Photograph Bank    1000+ views (No people, please)    flickr clickx    Galería Siabala    [][][] Modern Times [][][]    Osserva Pensa Scatta.... Ti sei Divertito    Sierpes Street, Seville and The World    Your Preferred Group Public    Cazadores de Imágenes NO 30/60    Photographers aged 50 +    flickr every day!    [][][] MAESTRI della luce e del colore [][][]    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Our best collection    HIMMELSBILDER - SKY    All kind of Landscapes    Photography is Life!!    Sube lo que quieras / Up what you want    UNITED WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY - No 30/60 Group Limit    A Personal Viewpoint    Photographer's dreams - your favourite clicks    Viola's and Anto's Friends Gallery    *Mágico Mundo Natural * Magical Natural World *    Treasures of the World    The Blind Pig Speakeasy    I Just Love To Take Photographs...Do You    1,000 Views Unlimited 1000    500 Views Unlimited    2,000 Views Unlimited 2000    300 Views Unlimited    400 Views Unlimited    3,000 Views Unlimited 3000    illumination focus    800 Views Unlimited    900 Views Unlimited    600 Views Unlimited    700 Views Unlimited    1,500 Views Unlimited 1500    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    Flickr No1 Pics    TOURISM magazine    All Photographers & Photographs welcome!    Your best of the best    Photography with a Story    Photo's passion of the world    We love cameras    ♣Scapes!!    ♣Mother Nature!!    A FEAST FOR MY EYES (Public Group)    Landscape/Seascape images of the World    Beautiful and Creative Photography    Travel Photography - Through the eyes of the world    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Stunning travel photos from around the World    シ █ VERTICAL SHOTS ▓ ВЕРТИКАЛЬНЫЕ СНИМКИ    シ 回 ENcadréES╚╝FrameD〘〙UokvirenE╔╗EMmarcaDE ۞    Free Expression Photography    Flickr Social    This is Why I Bought A Camera    sfp Photo-Blog    Vita es Splendor and friends    Today's Flickr    !*Flickr All Stars*!    ₪ ☰lέgant☰ ÉLITE ☰xclusiv☰ ₪ Comment/ Award pls.    YOUPIC ON FLICKR    Your Perspective and Creative    GLOW !!    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    ShotCam (No SL & AI)    My Favourite photo - la mia foto preferita    Crown Group - HQ Photography    ㋡ YᴀʜᴏO! ⦿_⦿ U2丫?    Flickr Explore It    Colours of Flickr    Flickr: The best of the best    Art of Exploration    flickr world wide    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    -- IMMAGINI DAL MONDO --    ≼◈≽Le nostre FOTO≼◈≽    flickr 4 all    OK Theme    OK Gallery    ★ EUROPE ★ ЕВРОПА ★ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ★ EUROPA ★    2.000 / 2000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    All pictures Nature surrounding (No 30/60 limit)    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Momentos para no olvidar    Flickr Triple    3.000 / 3000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    500 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    Fotoviajeros    1.000 / 1000 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    FLICKR OSCAR    300 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    MAS DE 100 FAVORITAS    400 views at least (NO LIMITS, NO 30/60)    The Ultimate Photographer    50+ Favorites    mundo global de fotografias    MOOIE WALLPAPERS    Top Ten Relevant / Las Diez Más Relevantes    The Camera Club [El Club De La Cámara]    FAVORITES CLUB - no 30/60 - no SL    eARTh - awesome on earth fascinating in art (out of 60/30)    70 faves or more - no 30/60 - no SL - no people    FAV's 100+    Flickr по-русски (без ограничений 30\60)    Amazing Landscape beauty    The best picture of the world    50, 100, 200, 500, 1.000 favoritas    Juste du talent    50+ Favorites - Post 1, Comment & Fave 2    100+ Favorites - Post 1, Comment & Fave 2    200+ Favorites - Post 1, Comment & Fave 2    Flickr Worldwide.    100 Favs (and more)    !*Only Your Best*!    No Limits Group, opted out 30/60    Argentina y el mundo    Digital Photography Safe (Opted out 30/60 Limit)    * P E R I F E R I A - P H O T O *    MASTER OF PHOTOGRAPHY    50 Favorites (No 30/60 Limit)    Cinque continenti / Five continents    All great photos - No 30/60    Flicker Fine Art    ! * Click Click Bang Bang!    ! Your Flickr Photos !    Free our Flickr - No 30/60    100 Favorites (No 30/60 Limit)    150-159 FAV;NO SL!!!(add 1 - fave 3,without sweeper:-))☻♥☻    Tus Modos Creativos    NO Second Life (opted out 30/60)    ! Fotografiando con Elena y Ricardo.    ***Water,Earth,Air,Fire : Life Essence*** #Opтed oυт 30/60    ㋡ VIVE LA RÉSISTANCE ❗ ㋡    LOOK ! *** the Home of great Photos (no 30/60 Limit) no limits    A.VENTANA A LAS FOTOS NIVEL 2 WINDOW TO THE PHOTOS LEVE 2; P-1 C    FLICKR INTERNATIONAL - No 30/60 Groups Limit    flick®    Photo Artistry    Lasting Impression = Post 1 Award 5 with the Group Award    The Golden Horse Impressionists - Only your BEST ARTWORK!    Photozone Level 1 ....... Post 1 Award 5 other members    TWO HUNDRED FAVES    Fixed Focal Length    200 Favorites (No 30/60 Limit)    80+ Faves    AMOR AL ARTE    ~Attention Worthy - No 30/60 Limit    ㋡ SMICKR = SmugMug + Flickr ㋡    50+ Favourites (no 30/60 limit)    World of Artistic and Photography Artists - (Admin Invited Only)    Voleur de Coeurs    No limit - No 30/60    TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY (no 30/60 rule)    !*PLANET EARTH*!    Hiking in nature    Photo Kingdom Level 1+ Post 1 Awd 3 (no group limit)    Amateur Art & Professional Snapshots    ONE HUNDRED FAVES    Flickr (No 30/60 Group Limit)    No 30/60 Flickr - no SL    The best photographs from around the world.    *ღღ* La magia del fotógrafo *ღღ*    Flickr Photo Album Unlimited & Instant Posting    150 Favorites (No 30/60 Limit)    G+ Landscape Photography    Photography at its best ... all welcome    Photography (No 30/60 limit)    Photo-Phactory    Revista de Fotos - Photo Magazine (NO 30/60)    THERE IS NO LIMIT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC CREATION    BEAUTY PHOTOS AROUND THE WORLD    hq explore    LES PHOTOS QU'ON AIME (Commentez SVP)    Nice Places to Visit - No 30/60 Limit - Photos & Videos Welcome.    Visual Artistry    Pictures against Corona    General photographs    Flickr-at-Home    CoViD-19: shot from the world    Royal Circle    Mes Amis Photographes    ! What you Want ( 1 Per Day!!! )    *** Landscape / Cityscape / Street ***    OK Photoart    galago    Photography Around The World (NO LIMIT UPLOADS)    H D R C O L O R    100 faves minimum - no 30/60 - no SL    2g2g    Show your EXIF    PHOTOS FOR CURE, MEDITATION AND DISCOVER THE GIFTS WE HAVE AND D    Photograph manipulation Real world art    no person    Ron Scubadiver's Fine Photography    Flickr Panoply    170+ FAV    The four NO's : NO flowers, NO animals, NO people, NO vehicles    * no limits, just quality photography!    Fotos Alkalinas    Vacation on Flickr    Beautiful landscapes, Beaux paysages    A group for all type of photos but no porn (No 30    In The Frame (No 30/60 Limit)    phenomenAgraphy    any war is destruction of Lives in the interest of a few, peace.    1 photo of your trip    Fans of Flickr    WONDERS OF PHOTOGRAPHY IN GENERAL.MARAVILLAS DE LA FOTOGRAFIA EN    **This group has mood    FAVORIES    Real Life in pictures by CLF    « less
Camera: samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra, f/2.2, 1/409 sec, 2.2mm, ISO 50 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra
Aperture: f/2.2
Exposure Time: 0.002 sec (1/409)
Focal Length: 2.2mm
ISO: 50
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: No Flash
Exposure Program: Program AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Center-weighted average
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: Uncalibrated
Software: Snapseed 2.0
Show full info
Stats: 3,595 views / 150 comments