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ma famille

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Taken on: May 15, 2012
Sets appears in:   walking the cow    no ire    more » olympus pen ee    « less
Groups appears in:   Experimental Dream    BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    more » Boing Boing    Portraiture (of real people)    B&W    Bitter Soul    Magic Moments    Rangefinder Cameras    35mm *FILM* Photographers    Lynched    Spooky    beautiful decay.    Lucid & Mysterious    Grain is Good    Beautiful is Boring    Mirror Mirror    Soft    Multiple Exposure    memento mori.    Bonjour Tristesse    Olympus Pen FILM Cameras    film stills    low-fi    Cinematic Moments.    Half frame association    the human condition    Melancholy    Low light photography    Analogue Photography    From The Darkroom (Non-Digital Photograpahy)    ~*~Atmosphere~*~    I Shoot Fuji (FILM)    The surreal life    The Portrait Group    The Film Group    Film Shooters (under 25 only)    finally we are no one    Female Photographers    I Love Film    Aspiring Young Photographers    Weird Shit    Film? Because thats how we roll beyotch, dirtay.    FILM* Club    Obsessive Compulsive Art Tendencies (OCAT)    Film-friendly folks.    Film is not Dead!!    Nylon Magazine    SOOC (Straight Out of the Camera)    Surreal Dimension    You Think this is Art    Damaged    Frizzifrizzi    >Postmodern Photography    Ilford HP5 Plus    *Clair-Obscur / Darkness-Light*    Cinematic Shots secret submission society    ..:: I LOVE DARK PHOTOS ::..    Irreal Reality    FILMISM    White/Black    (Des)enfoquë    Ilford Film    MAGIC IN THE MUNDANE    Monster Children    Positive Magazine    paper + wire magazine    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    N.E.E.T. Magazine    This is why I love Film    Film Destroyers    We are shit at taking photos.    Fragments of Kantian Doctrine    Hamburger Eyes    last day of magic!    Friends Of Photoworks SF    Modern Portraits (and Self-Portraits)    my head is a storm    °°ANALOGIC FOREVER°°    Ethereal World    ///through the cracks///    ((( transcend dépassez supere 超越しなさい )))    subterranean homesick alien    Film is Awesome!    Ambitious Photographers    PhotoPoetics    ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆    Olympus Pen EE    Future is Analogue    PLATEFORM magazine    FECAL FACE DOT COM    Keep The Analog Alive    [UMAMI]    strange dreams(Film Only)    ▲ turbo ▲    ANALOFILM    Blood of the Young Zine    Surreal Shots    begrime anarchic    BLOOD PUKE    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    FILM.    INK MAGAZINE    dusty.grain    Photos Without A Rabbit    Carpaccio Magazine    molokoplus    don't you fucking complain about gravity    Chercher la Femme ♀    ▲Monster puke▲    t r i v i a l i t i e s    Film Recipes    Analoguemasters    Saturdays ▲ Youth    BORED? zine    ▲ cult    HUH. Submissions    No Culture Icons    The Flickr Underground    Svärta (    Itchy Eyee    WEARENOWINSPACE.COM    Bandits&Badkids    RAW Magazine Group    film.forever.    film will never die    Holy Ghost Zine    alternatif fotograf grubu    REMEMBER THIS NAME    blurism    ▲Inmoral Picnic▲    Saccades Project    NCP    Fragments.of.Memory    Scatterbrain arguments    heroines    This Must Be The Place.    ∆ Elemental ∆    unusual young submissions    Open Lab Magazine    the color black    eff digi    MAZIPOS -- fanzines and itinerant exhibitions    Nope Fun    ▲rtpixie photography    The Vacant Fever Collective    Mint Magazine    S † E L L ∆ R    I got a sick obsession.    Disclosure*    this is how I feel today*    error.    DUST & DESSERT ⋈    Vice FR flickr    holyurl    Vice AR    broken brain    TEAR GAS    fotografi_    photo addicts    Traum Noir    Télégramme Magazine    torino analogicA    shadow latch    Фотографија / Photography    Oh Comely Magazine Submissions    $11 cigarettes    Creature of the Night    le negatif    Armoniza los contrarios    The Self-Help Group    black friday.    X I N E    Film_Freaks Δ    Danke Für Ihr Verständnis (Publication Submission)    Deer Brains    The Absent Mind    lo-fi film highs! █████    Analog is better    Stop Stealing My Look    Self Publish, Be Happy    Optiko (Analogue Photography Journal) Submissions    PhotoDonuts    Le COOL    NASTY MAGAZINE | the charme of the mess    Grainy Pleasures    PSYCHEDELIC WOLFPACK    a dirty job - magazine    The Distance Between Stars    Analogue Sunrise    domesticos    The Fade    Götterdämmerung    CAMERA DIYNAMITE    BUY FILM NOT MEGAPIXELS    MUNDO ANALÓGICO / Analog world    deviatemagazine    Love of Beauty    lowvulture submissions    Queimando Filme (Analogue / Film Photography)    Kissing Eyes Magazine    *Infinite Images    (un)usual    YOUNG SHOT    Organiconcrete    Poème par images Poem by images Poema por imágenes Poema    Waterfall Art Zine    Film Is Your Friend    Temporary Youth Zine    † film    Film Soup & Analogue Experiments    CHAMELEON MAG SUBMISSION POOL    FunkYou    Fork in brain    odd portrait    The Heavy Collective submission pool    Black and white wonders    About FOTO Cult    darklydarkly    A/H Submissions    Film is God Official Flickr Group.    Shooting Film    Zywkła Maps / Anteroom    Only Analogue    ON-POINT    Glass Eyes Magazine    Monochrome Magic    Spectral Zine    Dark Matters    FIGURE∞    SAD BOY CLUB    Minds Creative Eye    tamer animals    revista dislexia    Foto Infinitum    I Was Alive Today    we still care    the masked    35mmgallery    Inter Temporal    Flesh & Bone Magazine    Portraits with soul    Feel Film    Photography art for everyone    No Strings Attached Zine - Submission    EXPOSED SILVER    --Take me, I'm Yours    True Grain    LOST AT LAST    « less
Camera: HP Scanjet e709n (more info) (hide info)
Camera: HP Scanjet e709n
Saturation: Low
Sharpness: Soft
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Windows Photo Editor 10.0.10011.16384
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