Artista Callejero (Street Artist)

Samy Collazo
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Artista Callejero (Street Artist)

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: August 10, 2016
Sets appears in:   Kiev 4A    San Juan, Puerto Rico   
Groups appears in:   BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    ¡Boricuas!    more » Puerto Rico Sun    StreetPhoto    B&W    Portrait (real persons only)    Russian Cameras    Street Documentary: Story, Life, Human Connection    Black and White Photography    Do It Yourself Black & White    STREETART    Your Postcard Shot    All People    StreetPhotography    White and Black    Streetshots (people in the street)    35mm blackandwhite    Analog Photography    analog    Monochrome Lovers    Life in Black & White    sharpness    Soviet-RF    STREET STYLE    A Moment in Time    AA Gallery, from Arbus to Adams    Analogue Photography    Black and White Film    Flickrific- Welcome New Members! Invite your friends!    A Scanner Clearly (Polaroid - Lomo - Analog - Black and White)    B+W    Black & White Lovers    A MOMENT OF LIFE    kiev cameras    Amanti del Bianco e Nero/ Lovers of Black and White photography    PhotoPR    Mi Viejo San Juan (Puerto Rico)    TE PASASTE! (solo Fotos Invitadas)    analógico mola más    Film is not Dead!!    B/W ... the world in black and white    I Love Black and White!    You Think this is Art    Art in Black and White    Brave Beautiful World - P1 / C1 please ...    Beautiful Capture    Fotografia de Retrato    Black and White [AllEdges]    Rate My Photograph Now!    Flickr Elite Group    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    Kiev 4    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    A Vista de Objetivo    Só PB - Just B&W    Portraits on the Go    ☼ O B J E K T I F ☼    Top 20 Everlasting (Qualified :: Award 2)    *THE PERFECT PHOTOGRAPHER (P1/A2)    Discovery Photos: Post 1, Vote for 3    Black & White Art Awards (Post 1 - Award 3)    Blanco y Negro - Black and White    White/Black    Black & White LIFE Shot!    PASSION PHOTOGRAPHY (COMMENTS PHOTO)    VISUAL PLEASURE    Portrait of the world - Ritratti dal mondo    Fotoclub Chaco    Streets In The City    !**Social Documentary Photography & events* Ich bin ein Berliner    epson v500    ***Black and White Portraits***    Plaza de Armas    Black & White Gallery {photos with 5+ faves Only} Award 2    BLACK & WHITE PHOTOS (P1/A2)    pure street    TWiP    `|´ Trees die standing up `|´ please award, it's kind :)    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    ¡Boricuas Exiliados!    Photographic Champions Compose    One Word: WOW! / Añade 1 premia 3    MOMENTS COMPARTITS    Film & Slides Scanning    Flickr Number One !!    Urban - Photography    Flickr Lovers / Flickr ı Sevenler **POST 1 COMMENT 5!!    "Moments" -- "Momentos"    "IQ" - Image Quality    Flickr Puerto Rico    This is Why I Love Photography    You made my day    Sube lo que quieras-Upload any picture you like!(Post1-Comment1)    The love of life    DETAILS OF THE LIFE    !Group Tripod (post1~comment4)    Una Imagen Vale Más Que Mil Palabras. RETO: Tu mejor foto    Fotos Grandiosas! post 2 - award 2 next to yours    BLACK & WHITE - P1&A2 (NO SEPIA)    Living Life Through A Lens    Streetlife Berlin & elsewhere    A Beautiful ~ Moment    *The Feel of Photography* New Contest* Water Fowl*    Flickr: YOUR PHOTOS    ALL MEMORIES WELCOME (Public Group)    Callejeando, foto urbana    Art in the city    Bienvenidos todos los recuerdos / All Memories Welcome    FOTOS DEL ALMA -PHOTOS OF THE SOUL    Life in bw - Street photography (invited only)    B&W - The Art of Photography    Street Level – Street Photography (are you good enough?)    **THE BEST VISIONS** ( Post 01, Award 03 )    Eso lo he hecho yo?    Flickr Universe    B&W Feelings [Post 1, Award 3]    Unique Flickr    ***El Baul de las Historias***    FLICKR HOBBY AND TEXTURES    Explore My Photostream (without time constraints)    Black and White Love    ASTUIMAGEN    Visual Delight    !!!AAA TUTTO DIGITALE (P1/C2/Swpr)    VAYA TRABAJO BIEN HECHO---Sube 1 y Premia 2    Fotografi del mondo (high-quality photographs)    New York City Emulsions    El Click de Nikon    Show us your best    MONOCROMO// -Tópico de la semana #    FotoChá Grupo de Fotógrafos    The Dreamers Group "If you can dream, you're in it"    MY CAMERA NEVER LIES (P1+A3)Sweeper Active    Urbem. Formas, Seres y Lugares    Art and Inspiration - Manipulated Images    La Mirada Prestada    ................De Todo Un Poco.............    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    Only the best in b/w    You Score! (Post 1, Score 2)    Por siempre Blanco y Negro    B+W & Sepia Pleasure!    Alternative Views    PUBLIC PHOTOS ! ♪♪ Post 1 - Award 2    Photographs Of High Quality    B&W Zaragoza    Image Gallery - Urban Photos    Toma 15    ♥ Well, once upon a time...♥ (post 1 /comnt 1)    BLACK & WHITE=BLANCO Y NEGRO    fotografare il mondo in tutte le sue sfumature    B y N con Estilo / B & W with style 1 x 2 (No Sepia)    Fotografía Social y Reportaje    We Love lightroom    Flickeros del viejo San Juan    Fotografía, Libros y textos ;-))    Fotografi Street Italiani (Solo con soggetti "vivi", grazie)    Ysplix Black (B&W only photos)    The Global Amateur Photography Club.    !! Photo Lovers!(Post 2+Comment 3)*SWEEPER ACTIVE*    A day in the life of ours...    ZAPPADU FANS CLUB    Image Aware    ♥ Flying Carpet Club ♥ Post 2/comment3    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    9DEL9 "THE ORIGINAL"    The Creative Camera    BLACANGUAY    Flickr Free    :) Recoilx 2.    !!You'r Best Image (Post1+Comment3)    BIG MOMENTS    Through your eyes ... (Post 1 - Award That Deserve it)    No comments pool    Flickr Street Spain (International)    Sólo Blanco y Negro - Only B&N&S P1-C3    Through Your Eyes to Ours*    film.forever.    ANALOG FILM CAMERA (AFC) PHOTOGRAPHERS INDONESIA    "Blanco&Negro"    Black and White Photography Art    Black & White Done Right !.    !Portfolio of People (HIGH QUALITY, ADMIN MODERATED p1/c2)    EpicShots    *Red Maple Award* P1 & C2    Flickr Awards - Monochrome (P1/A1)    Flickr THE BEST    !!The Photo Hut!! (P1/A1) Contest: Your Choice (Open)    Analog photo eye    Image Gallery / B&W !!!    ♥ ♥ ♥ Plasmar un instante ♥ ♥ ♥ Coloca1 Comenta 2    ***Parisinita & friends NEW !!! (P1,C2)    Zircon (poste 1 ~ comme 1)    PHotoExpresión Black&White (Creative Art Work)    [][][]yokopakumayoko**International Photo Gallery**[][][]    everything I see    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    ♥ UNIÓN Y SENTIMIENTOS ♥ SUBE 1-PREMIA DOS;-))    Kiev 4 street photography    Flickr Fantastic    Fotografia excelente.    Union of Free Photographers    Vivian Maiers style    Nik Silver Efex Pro 2    El rincón del fotógrafo    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    Portraits from the Street    Flickr in B&W (contests will begin soon)    Entusiastas de la Fotografía    Flickr, through your viewfinder P1/A5 if you have time    walking in a city    Sube lo que quieras / Up what you want    Blanco y Negro,Black and white    Photographers from around the world    Good - Clik    Street Photography // Fotografía Urbana Puerto Rico    Monochrome Photos Look Best    The Photography Enthusiasts    « less
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