South Dakota National Register of Historic Places's top tags

South Dakota National Register of Historic Places
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South Dakota National Register of Historic Places's top tags

aberdeen agriculturalhistory agriculture architect architecture artdeco bank barn beadlecounty bellefourche belltower blackhills bonhommecounty brick bridge brookings brookingscounty browncounty bungalow buttecounty campus catholic cemetery charlesmixcounty church classicalrevival claycounty codingtoncounty college colonialrevival commerce commercial commercialbuilding commercialstyle concrete courthouse craftsman cupola custer custercounty czech davisoncounty deadwood dellrapids depot domestic downtown ecclesiastical education engineering entertainment exploration fallrivercounty farm farmstead fieldstone finnish gambrel garage german gothicrevival government granite greatdepression hamlincounty hardingcounty historicbridgesinsouthdakota historicdistrict homestead homesteading hotel house houses hughescounty hutchinsoncounty immigrant interior italianate kingsburycounty lakecounty lawrencecounty limestone lincolncounty log logcabin logconstruction lutheran mainstreet masonry meadecounty minnehahacounty mitchell multiplepropertylisting museum nationalregister nationalregisterofhistoricplaces neoclassical newdeal northernandcentraltownshipsofyanktoncounty norwegian norwegianimmigrant park penningtoncounty perkinscounty pierre politics porch quartzite queenanne railroad ranch rapidcity recreation religion religious renaissancerevival residential road romanesque rural sandstone school settlement siouxfalls siouxquartzite southdakota southdakotadepartmentoftransportation southdakotanationalregisterofhistoricplaces spearfish spinkcounty stainedglass steel steeple stone streetscape sturgis theater transportation turnercounty unioncounty vermillion vernaculararchitecture victorian volin watertown watertowncommercialhistoricdistrict worksprogressadministration wpa yankton yanktoncounty