O caminho para a Glória

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O caminho para a Glória

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Taken on: May 28, 2016
Sets appears in:   Lisbonne   
Groups appears in:   * CityScapes & City Life    Lisboa    more » French – Français    BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    Photography    Photographes Francophones    Magic Moments    What's your angle, buddy?    Artistic Photography    Beautiful Light    Compositions    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Amateurs    visit the world - the travel guide    Travel Photography    Monochromatic world    Perspective    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Black & White Pictures    Architecture and Buildings    Photography Corner    Nice pictures    architectural photography    White and Black Photography    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    Architecture Photography    * Travel Photography for World Nomads *    my city    Flickr B&W    * Flickr en Español    Architecture and Other Edifices    *Inspirational Travel Photos    Digital Photography School    B+W    Aspiring Young Photographers    *Karma*    Architecture Travellers    B & W    Photo and Phot..solo Bianco e Nero please..    Monochrome Madness    Self Taught Photographers - LOOK AT DISCUSSIONS FIRST!    Viajando    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    Black & White Digital    Blue Ribbon PHOTOGRAPHY (INVITE ONLY)    B/W ... the world in black and white    **FlickrsBest**    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    You Think this is Art    Beautiful Capture    A Better B&W Group    Flickr Elite Group    Architecture Directory    Your Best Photography    Flickriver    World of B&W + Sepia & other monochrome    We travel the World    PHOTO NOW    Nikon - Pixelistes - Portal Nikonistes    ..:: I LOVE DARK PHOTOS ::..    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    Better Than Good    " Art of the Light " ☆☆☆☆☆    Lovely City!    Je suis venu(e) vous dire /I came and tell you    World Photography - Public Photos - Traveling - Life    Walk-By Shootings - Street / Urban Photography    Flickr Italia    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    I am flickr! - No 30/60 Limit    world in B&W    Flickr Number One !!    Urban - Photography    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    "IQ" - Image Quality    A different point of view - for photographers    "Black and White Unlimited"    My absolute favorite pictures    AreKev's `Not Another Flickr Group    !!Perfect Composition!!    Flickr's Biggest Group    Architectural Beauty !    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    ! LO MEJOR DE MI... ARTE Y CREACIÓN ARTÍSTICA !.    Amsterdam Blog Associates - Urban Creatives    Strictly GeoTagged (no 30/60 limit)    It's the Composition, Flickr    !Art and Photography (seriously18+) INVITE ONLY    ♦♦♦ BELLE INQUADRATURE ♦♦♦    The Daily Post    as beautiful as you want    Photofocus    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    ***Flickr Global    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    *That's MY Photo ! *    Flickr & Friends    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Photos beautiful    Flickr Social Club    "SPARTACUS" Eyes without chains    Obiettivo & Fotocamera    ♦♦♦ TAGLIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Black and White Photography Art    ♦♦♦ TUTTI GLI SCATTI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Mordus de photos Monochrome    Mordus de photos    "U.K. Photo Gallery" ( All Welcome )    Sharing Holiday Moments    Fotografías Blanco y Negro / Black and White Photographs    UNDER THE SIGN OF THE WHITE ROSE (Admin Invite Only )    LA VIE EN ROSE ( Admin Invite Only )    Camera Camaraderie    FOTOGRAFI CON LA "P" MAIUSCOLA    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    A Photographer [No AI or SL]    [][][] GREAT SHOT [][][]    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    Fine Gold    Great Images    BLACK & WHITE BONANZA!    La Crème de La Crème    ` FLICKR ´    Matt Granger - GYGO    Fotografare Rivista    Fujifilm X Series    Black&White Photo Group    Your Best Shot For Today    A Photographers View    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    flickr (unofficial)    Fujifilm X-mount cameras    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    [][][] Modern Times [][][]    Fuji X Family    Perfect Beauty II    Photographers aged 50 +    flickr every day!    World Photographers' Photos WPP    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Galerie FURORE !    Photography is Life!!    A Personal Viewpoint    Photographer's dreams - your favourite clicks    Photographers from around the world    in explore    Photo Digital Club    My time behind the lens No 30/60 limits    Photo's passion of the world    We love cameras    THE B&W GURUS (No 30/60 Limit)    Photographers Gallery 5    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Dreamability    シ ◆◇ BLACK+WHITE World ☻☺ CRNO-BIJELI svijet △▼    Today's Flickr    !*Flickr All Stars*!    Your Perspective and Creative    post any photo [No SL or AI]    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Specialistz™    -- IMMAGINI DAL MONDO --    ≼◈≽Le nostre FOTO≼◈≽    !Great Photographers! No AI please!    Monochrome Photos Look Best    ★ EUROPE ★ ЕВРОПА ★ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ★ EUROPA ★    Show All Your Photos From Around The World. NO SL/AI    World Street Photography! Full Color and Monochrome.    FREE THE PHOTOS FROM COLOURS(Black and White Photos ONLY)    Group for all users of FLICKR - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Momentos para no olvidar    Fotoviajeros    * just photos * no rules please use comment code appreciated    blackwhite mono NO 30/60 LIMIT    Imaginary Friends, Strange Creatures, Mystery Places    WORLD AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS    mundo global de fotografias    !*Only Your Best*!    !*All Around The World*!    Life Through A Hole    NO Second Life (opted out 30/60)    ! Fotografiando con Elena y Ricardo.    LOOK ! *** the Home of great Photos (no 30/60 Limit) no limits    FLICKR INTERNATIONAL - No 30/60 Groups Limit    Photography is art - La fotografia è arte    Flickr Photo Unlimited (No People)    COLOUR-BLIND    Your own quality work - (no 30/60 limit)    Opt out no limits for art work!    No 30/60 Flickr - no SL    flickr 30/60 limit sucks    The best photographs from around the world.    Fav. 450+ Favorites no 30/60 limit    Photography at its best ... all welcome    Black & White - The Best Photos Ever Taken (No 30/60 Limit)    Photo-Phactory    *Le Fabuleux Voyage de Petit Homme*    *The Moody Moodpepper* ( Admin invite only)    THERE IS NO LIMIT FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC CREATION    BEAUTY PHOTOS AROUND THE WORLD    Photography Outside the Lines    Urban travellers    ALL THE THINGS! (no 30/60 limit)    UFO OSNI BODIES PARANORMAL PHENOMENA AND PHENOMENA NOT EXPLAINED    *** Black-and-White ***    B&W-Selection!    *** 1000% Architecture ***    B&W Lifestyle    FUJIFILM X Series & GFX USA    B&W - MoVeS - invite only    Follow me my friends (public)    A Picture, A Story, A Pearl    monochrome passion    EXPLORER PHOTOS FROM 2021 AND ALSO OF THE PAST,    PHOTOS FOR CURE, MEDITATION AND DISCOVER THE GIFTS WE HAVE AND D    INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION AGAINST THE MANIPULATION OF THE SKIES    every Day is a shAman daY [ CLOSED ]    DISCUSSION MEETINGS ABOUT THE REALITY UFO IN SPAIN AND THE REST    All in black and white in the 11 dimensions known up to now    Fujifilm X-Series Black and White Pictures    « less
Camera: Fujifilm X-E2, f/7.1, 1/210 sec, 10mm (=15mm), ISO 200 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Fujifilm X-E2
Lens: XF10-24mmF4 R OIS
Aperture: f/7.1
Exposure Time: 0.005 sec (1/210)
Focal Length: 10mm (35mm equivalent: 15mm)
ISO: 200
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Program: Aperture-priority AE
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Sharpness: Hard
Color Space: sRGB
Software: Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 10.0 (Windows)
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