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Taken on: January 10, 2011
Sets appears in:   ANALOG ONLY    Naardermeer   
Groups appears in:   Rolleiflex    Whatever the weather    more » Twin Lens Reflex    Hiking    Vintage Camera Photography    Nederland/The Netherlands    Walking In Nature    Sunrise, Sunset -- Anything Sun!    Winter Wonderland    Cool Outdoor Pics    Rangefinder Cameras    35mm *FILM* Photographers    I Shoot Film    Beautiful Light    Grain is Good    Slide Film    Zeiss    landscapes    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    Brooks, Creeks, Tarns, Ponds    Flickr People    Holland    Analog Photography    FILM CAMERAS ONLY!    National Geographic Wannabes    Dutch Landscape / Hollands Landschap    Professional landscapes    Flickr Nature - NO B/W, People, Structures etc    Landscape photography    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    Swamps, Bayous and Rivers    This Is Europe    Nature Photography    Nederlands en Vlaams    Landscape Exploration    Rollei    Wir sprechen Deutsch    Analogue Photography    Essence of Light    Rollei Gallery    #1 Nature & Wildlife Photographers' Corner    !nto the atmosphere    The Film Group    120    All things beautiful in Nature (no humans or man made objects)    Outdoor Photography    Analog only    They Shoot Film, Don't They?    FILM* Club    Lakescapes - landscape shots of lakes    Mittelformat    Film is not Dead!!    I bring my camera everywhere (no 30/60 limit)    Beautiful Earth    Ik hou van Holland,.. I Love Holland !    Countryside & Nature    I collect light    The European Nature And Wildlife Group    NATURE'S BEST    6x6 COLOR film    FILMISM    kwerfeldein: die flickr gruppe    hiking climbing backpacking    Dutch Creative    Landscapes of the World    !! Nederland Vandaag !!    **Snow, Snow, Snow!**    ALL ABOUT FILM    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Photography Magazine, I Heart    This is why I love Film    Official National Geographic Group    the resurrection of film: film is back    The world through photography    Paisajes del Mundo    Film Only    Vintage Analogue    Film is Awesome!    LANDSCAPE & SEASCAPES    National Geographic | World Wide    Future is Analogue    Rolleiflex 2,8F    Fotografie Nederland    Landscape Beauty !    6x6.    Moyen-format    Carl Zeiss Planar    Nature's Wonder    菲林不死 film is NOT dead    Landscapes with Atmosphere    film.forever.    film will never die    Hiking in the nature    Upgrade to Film    Naardermeer NL    Analogue Love    Return To Film - roll film only    Chill Out - Zone (P1 - A3)    Film_Freaks Δ    Carl Zeiss in Nederland    ClubZeiss    I heart film! (Analogue Love!)    Flickr members of The Netherlands    I (still) shoot FILM    Film Is Your Friend    Good photo,good details--Film preferred    digital is the devil    Only Analogue    Natuur van Nederland    Photographers from around the world    WALKING LANDSCAPES    This is Why I Bought A Camera    « less
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