Photos by the Swamper's top tags

Photos by the Swamper
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Photos by the Swamper's top tags

albumcovers alligator americanalligator amphibians aquaticplants backyard baldeagle berrylake bird birds birdsofprey blackcrownednightheron bluegrass bluegrassmusic bluejay blues bullfrog butterflies butterfly canadageese canadagoose canines cardinal chickadee chipmunk corkscrewswamp cottonmouth cottontail crane cranes deer detroitzoo dingdarlingnwr doe dove downywoodpecker dragonfly duck ducks eagle egret egrets everglades fawn finch florida flowers foxsquirrel francisharper frog frogs geese goldfinch gophertortoise grackle graysquirrel greatapes greatblueheron greatblueherons greategret greenfrog greenheron guitar hawks heron herons housefinch hummingbird hummingbirds indian indianspringsmetropark insect insects jay junco kensington kensingtonmetropark mallard mammals marshbirds metro michiganreptiles milkweed monarch motorcityguitar mourningdove music muskrat muteswan muteswans nesting nightheron northernwatersnake nuthatch odonata okefenokee okefenokeeswamp osprey paintedturtle park primates rabbit raptors redbelliedwoodpecker redsquirrel redwingblackbird reptile reptiles robin rubythroatedhummingbird sandhillcrane sandhillcranes sanibelisland sharkvalley sixmilecypress sixmilecypresspreserve snake snakes snappingturtle sparrow springs squirrel squirrels sunset swallows swan swans titmouse tuftedtitmouse turkey turkeys turtle turtles wadingbirds waterfowl watersnake watersnakes whitetail whitetaildeer whitetaileddeer wildflower wildflowers wildfowl wildlife wildturkey woodchuck woodduck woodpecker woodpeckers zoo