S´Aguia B&N

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S´Aguia B&N

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: February 14, 2015
Groups appears in:   Black and White    beach lovers. . .    more » Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    Colors of the World    BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO HEAVEN!    España    B&W    Long Exposure    Seascapes and Seashores    Magic Moments    Landschaft/Landscape    Cool Outdoor Pics    Artistic Photography    Beautiful Light    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    Black and White Photography    Flickr Addicts    Beautiful Scenery & Landscapes    sky & clouds    Dusk & Dawn - Sun below the horizon!    Beside the seaside, besides the sea ...    Minimalism    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Amateurs    The Sea    High Contrast    Barcelona    Monochromatic world    Landscape Photos    Minimalist art    LONGEXPOSURE    Creative Photography    Beginner to Intermediate Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    - I LOVE NATURE -    B&W DREAMS    Black & White Pictures    100 views + 10 favourites (unlimited)    500 views + 20 faves - quality AND quantity    Flickr Nature - NO B/W, People, Structures etc    Landscape photography    Seas, Oceans, Rivers and sun    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    d r e a m s c a p e s    the skies above    Nature Photography    B&W Landscapes    Life in Black & White    Catalunya, Cataluña, Catalonia, Catalogne    Landscape Exploration    BEST in B&W photography    1000 views + 40 faves - Quality AND Quantity    Long Exposure Times    Long Exposures    *GreatPixGallery 20 Faves+    Landscapes 101 (Unlimited)    Awesome Nature    NATURALMENTE    CLICK the CAMERA    The World Through My Eyes ...    Nature Heals the Soul    Naturaleza y Paisaje    Digital Classic Black and White    B&WPIX (1/day)    Flickr B&W    * Flickr en Español    * B&N en Español    Amateur Landscape    50 faves (No SL/computer generated images please).    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    B&W Days    Black and White Landscapes    *Inspirational Travel Photos    Paisajes del mundo/World Landscapes    Explore/INTERESTINGNESS Group    B+W    National Geographic Wallpapers    NIKON PROFESSIONAL    Neutral Density Filters    Shield Of Excellence    Beauty of Water    100+ Faves 1-2-3 (Post one,Comment and Fave two)    B&W Travel Pics [no sepia!]    Black & White Digital    Flickr's FAV : 150    Long Exposure Water    Paisajes & Naturaleza    Graduated Filters    flickr | Blogworthy    I Love Black and White!    Fotografia lo que se te antoje    Paisaje, Naturaleza y Fauna    Beautiful Earth    Art in Black and White    Black and White Seascapes    Beautiful Capture    A Better B&W Group    Far and Away the Best (Invited Images ONLY)    Flickr Elite Group    "Exemplary Shots - Flickr's BEST! (Post 1 Award 3)"    Landscapes!!!    Extraordinary Compositions    OjoDigital    B&W filters    *Best of Flickr* (Comment 1 / invite 2) PHOTOS ONLY    Nikon, Canon, Sony!    Clouds, Storms, Sunsets & Sunrises    Paisajes Españoles    Fl♥ckr Extraordinary Capture - Post 1 Comment 3    *THE PERFECT PHOTOGRAPHER (P1/A2)    Nature...Anything Goes    NATURE'S BEST    Better Than Good    Longer Exposure, Extreme Neutral Density    Blanco y Negro - Black and White    Gold Star Awards Level 1 (1P/3C)    National Flickr Graphic    THE MAGIC HOUR (NO VIDEOS, ONLY PHOTOS)--invite yours friends    DSLR user magazine    Landscapes of the World    Dragon Gold Award " The Best Of Flickr "    El Tren de los Rincones de España    Daytime Long Exposures    BEST SUNSET AND SUN RISE GROUP    LANDSCAPES DREAMS -Please comment on two (2)!!!    DIGIFOTO Pro    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Foro Nikonistas.com    nikonistas.com    Hitech-Formatt Filters    The Best Picture Gallery!    Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 AF-S    **Simply Superb (P 1- A 2)**    Mother Nature (At her best)    Official National Geographic Group    DIAMOND HEART (Post 1-Comment 3)    GR8 - Photos    Aguamaniacos-Watermaniacs! (Post 1, comment 5)    *** Earth Marvels! ~ 50++ FAVS *** ADD 1: FAV 1-2    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    En armonía con la Naturaleza    Sky Chasers    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    BLACK & WHITE - P1&A2 (NO SEPIA)    Elite Photography (Post 1 Award 2 Fave 1)    *Music To My Eyes*~L1 w/7 Levels ~Active Sweeper ! ~ P1 A5 ~    Lighting Aspects    100+ Faves • 100+ Comments    "Double Dragon Awards" Post 1 Comment 3 SWEEPER!!    Black & White Awards    Foto Club Ifach    B&W Seascapes    SÓLO AMANECER-ATARDECER    Art of Images ~ AOI L1~ ( Post 1, Award 3) NO "AI Portraits"    MINIMAL black&white    ND110    Dragonfly Awards * Post1 - Award 3 * *Sweeper Active*    B&W Feelings [Post 1, Award 3]    ! The BEST of Black & White Photography (NO SEPIA)    B&W, B&N, N&B..    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    National Geographic | World Wide    Nice Wonderful Tuesday Clouds    Natural Landscape & Wildlife Photos    14 Karat Gold: Closed    Flickr's Best : Best collection of B&W Cityscape photos!!    FAV Lovers : Post 1 and Fav 3    Paisajes de España    Ncuadre    PROGRESS PHOTO & Digital Picture (Partecipa alle discussioni).    Cafe Elite    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    LO SCRIGNO / THE COFFER    Black & White Photographyy    Landscape Beauty !    Golden Landscape, Only The Best ! (Post 1, Comment 1)    Amazing+Photography    **Innamoramento - BY INVITATION only (P1/C2/F2) No SL    landscape around the world    Images with Filters    Best of the Best Landscapes, (Moderated Group)    DNG Photo Magazine    Beaches & Landscapes    as beautiful as you want    Naturaleza con Estilo / Nature with Style    Fotos de Catalunya    Landscape Photographs - P 1 A 1    ***Flickr Global    La Petite Galerie *** (No people) *** (P.1 / C.2)    Landscapes with Atmosphere    Black and White Beauty's    Big Nature...Only admin invited photos    !* THE BEAUTY OF ☙THE NATURE❧ *Post 1 Award & Fave 3 please    Magic Landscapes (Invite Only) Thanks P1/C2.    National Geographic Group    NATURE'S PRIME (P1/A4)    larga exposicion (sonambulos)    FLICKR EL MÁGICO MUNDO DE LA FOTOGRAFÍA★ ;-))    Chasing Shadows (Closed - Thanks for all the Great Images)    Flickr Free    ! * Flickr Hive Mind Group / Administration    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    Exposition - A Gallery of Excellence    Best Photos Around the World    EVERYTHING SCENERY!    The Landscape Majesty of God    Color Escape: B&W ONLY (NO COLOR)    Black & White Master Photos - P 1 A 1    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    Black and White Photography Art    !A Lot of Water {Post 1 - Award at least 2}!    Excellent Shots Group - P1 & A3    Lenguaje de las nubes★Aurora★Clouds language.    HITECH Filters USERS group    * EXPLORE Photos ~Made Explore! "    ***A Place For Great Photographers*** Administration Approval    Landscape QUALITY Photography/ADMIN Invitation ONLY    * World Waterscapes (NO Black&White Photos)    Beautiful Seasons    L1* La passion de l'image (P1 A3 New rules)    ! *No hay camino para la paz, la paz es el camino!    Nikon Europe Group    Flickr Bronze Trophy Group (Post 1 MUST Comment 5!)    B&W great shots... but please... no portraits    Build your rainbow L1 TRANSPARENT (Award 5)    10 stop ND    UNDER THE SIGN OF THE WHITE ROSE (Admin Invite Only )    ONLY THE BEST OF NATURE (P1-C2) SWEEPER ACTIVE!    dreams I'll dream.. by invitation ~ P1/C3    B/W - Ultra Contrast    greatest landscapes    International Amateurs Photos (Invite Only)    LO MEJOR DE LA FOTOGRAFIA - THE BEST OF PHOTOGRAPHY (P.1-C.2)    52MONOCHROME    ᗪiscovery .ᗯorld    NATURE by Flickr - Invitation Only    Digital SLR Photography Magazine    ! * EN BLANCO Y NEGRO-BLACK AND WHITE !! P1 / AWARD 5 !!    10 stop filter    Prestige Nature P1 C2    !Best Black-and-White Images Ever (P1/A2)    Black & White Long Exposures    B+W Long Exposure    Mono Waterscapes (Special Invitation)    All Things ~*Earthy*~    Breathtaking Landscapes B&W and Color    B&W LE 30sec+ ND - Square Only    Nikon D800-D850 and Nikon Z7-Z9 Users Group    Mono_maniacal    100+ Faves Masterpieces (Post 1, Comment and Fave 1 or more)    Fine Gold    The Best of Black & White ☯    B&W Waterscapes - ND Filter(s)    Nature Beauties Post 1 Comment 2    JUDOJUDO E LA FOTOGRAFIA    D850 Nikon Series (also D810, D800, D800E)    Landscape Photography Magazine    Amaneceres, atardeceres y nocturnas (AAN)    * Very amazing photos of nature * (P1/A4)    Flickr OBSESSION'    !* Song of the Waves ♪ NO people! ♪ Post 1/Cmt 2!    Sakafotos    Hitech Pro ND 10 Stop    El rincón del fotógrafo    NATURE'S PRIME in BLACK & WHITE (P1/A4) (CLOSED)    ` FLICKR ´    **THE BEST WATERSCAPES & LANDSCAPES!!!** Administration Approval    come lo vediamo .. post 1 - award 3    Flickr Photographer    THE NATURE AND THE LANDSCAPE IN THE WORLD *Admin Inv-only P1/C2    Black&White Photo Group    Best Friends Photographer - INVITATION ONLY -    * Canonikos *    ! !^ItalianLifeStyle 15+ Faves (Level 1)    Nikon PRO - landscape and nature    Digital Camera World    Eyes On The World    THE LOOK level 1 RED    THE GUARDIAN OF ART Adm.Inv. GALLERY QUALITY ONLY! (P/1-A/3)    B&W Viva la Vida! (P1-A5)    F.O.O.F. (by invitation) P1/A2    flickr (unofficial)    Escrita com Luz 1 (P1/A3) Moderated Group    Nature photography, flora or fauna - P2 / Award 1 . . . please!    Nikon D 800 Landscapes    B&W is the way forward    -- Felice ... Sutri Group    Nikon D800/ Nikon 14-24 f/2.8G    Fotografías Sin Límites (FSL)    Nikon D600/D610/D800/D800E/D4/D4s/Nikon Df CLUB COLLECTIONS    The Long Exposure    Crown Photography. Level 1 (Post 1/ Award 5)    Best Of... Black and White or Monochrome. (INVITATION ONLY)    Fine Captures Collection    Nikon Camera Club    Great Landscapes/Cityscapes Taken with NIKON CAMERAS!!!!    Black & White Magical Landscapes    Best Landscape/Nature Photography    Landscape Photography Lovers    brilliant flickr    Bulb Mode Gallery    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Our best collection    Black & White Favorites    Reflex forever    Grand Vistas    Amazing scenery    A Maverick`s Eye View of Composition    around the world, around of my camera(Post 1, Comment 2 AND Fave    AGAfob    Just Awesome Pictures    Landscapes worldwide    Flickr No1 Pics    CoastCoastCoast    SEASCAPES!!!    L'eau - Water    Illuminations in Black and White    Only the Best of the Best.    Magic of Photography    Beautiful Waterscapes    Beautiful Sunrises and Sunsets    The Mysterious World of Neutral Density Filters    Beautiful and Creative Photography    Lucroit    Amigos en blanco y negro    L1 Pearl - Collect your Jewels P1/A4 - Sweeper active    Amateur Photographer Magazine    Fascinating photography    The Longer Exposure.    . minimalisme BRONZE (P1/A4)    Hobi-Fotografi (hobby photographers)Only high quality Photo    La photographie Pro    La passion de la photographie    Fine-art photography.    GLOW !!    Lucky 7 (level 1) Post 1 / Award 3    Long Exposures Rule The World    A place where to grow - Un luogo dove crescere    Landscapes ★    Advanced Photography in the Digital Age (Invitation)    Brilliant BW    « less
Stats: 10,151 views / 225 comments