Trams de Lisbonne (Portugal)

Trams aux fils (Alain GAVILLET)
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Trams de Lisbonne (Portugal)

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Taken on: January 1, 1977
Groups appears in:   Lisboa    Portugal    more » Digital Portugal    Trains and Trolleys    public transport    Rail    Trams.Trolleys.Cablecars    Period Photographs of Transportation (pre-1980)    Public Transit    Lisboa na Rua    Trams/Streetcars    public transportation metro rail transit    Portugal Trip    Public Transportation    Light Rail Vehicles Public Transportation etc..    Portugrafia    Amar Lisboa - Loving Lisbon    LISBOA PORTUGAL    Fotógrafos Portugueses / Portuguese Photographers    Cities of Portugal    PORTUGAL UNLIMITED / Portugal Sem Limites    Portugalia    Urban Mobility    Cores de Portugal/Portugal Colors    Portugal/portugueses no Explore    Trolley    Guess Where Lisboa - please read rules    Geotagged: Portugal    carris    Public Transport Around the World    tram    Trams All Over The World !    Flickr Portugal    Public transport / komunikacja miejska / doprava 🚏    Lisbon Landscape & Icons    Portugal urbano    Jalalspages Transportation Album    Urban Rail    Tramways2007    Tranvías, Trenes y Subtes    Trains and Trams - Railway Lovers    Trams & Buses    ILUSTRAR PORTUGAL (post 1 comment 3) - SWEEPER ON    Amar Portugal    Lisbon Travel Photography    transport of the world    BELEZAS DE PORTUGAL    Things of Portugal (P1/C3)    Tranvías    Portugal Ferroviário    European Buses , Trolleybuses and Tramways    Made in Portugal **** Podem Votar***    TRAM TRAMWAY TROLLEY by AP    (MONDE) Trams et Métros    Sporvogne, Straßenbahnen, streetcars, Trams    Capitals of the world : Transport    TRANSPORTES EM FOTOS    Trams & Trolley Buses worldwide / Trambahnen & O-Busse weltweit    Tramvaje, šaliny, lokalki a socky...    Classic Transport    All Locomotives, Trains and Trams    Colourful tram liveries.    Discover Portugal - Post 1 - Comment 3    Portugal by tips4travels    Transport 1940s to 1980s    Eastern European buses, coaches, trolleybuses and trams    Planes Trains and Trams    Tram-spotting    TRAM Worldwide    Straßenbahnfreunde - Tram friends - Tram des amis    * C L A S S I C - T R A N S P O R T *    Metros y Tranvias del mundo / Subway and trams of the world    Tram*Subway*Train    TRAMS TRAMS TRAMS    Tramway Holidays    Trams/Straßenbahn/Tramway/Tramvej/Sporvogne    Single truck Trams - Twee-assers - trams à deux essieux    JUST TRAMS    Trams in the world    Tram-, Translohr- and metrotracks and catenary (incl. trolleyb    World railways! Trains, trams and subways!    Estaciones, trenes y tranvías de Europa    ALL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION.    Lisbon's Yellow Trams & Buses    TRASPORTO PUBBLICO/PUBLIC TRANSPORT    Worldwide Train's and Tram's    Tramways all over the World    Trams, buses & friends | NO LIMITS    (MONDE) Photos Historiques de Trams Bus et Trolleybus    « less
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