...Hello and welcome to my deprived sick head!
Who am I? well I am mostly Known as the Mad-Monk but my real name is according to some sources Vlad Ras! or in Neo-Greek spelling: Влад Рас and the far easterlings call me: 邪悪なひげ猿, I am ancient and have many names through history!
You might wonder what is my game? what makes this person tick, what does he long for, what is his dreams?
I will answer those questions now! or some of them I guess, I am not really a Monk, I just proclaimed that I was one and people believe me, but I was really born in a small village on the boundary of the Slavic and Nordic lands, my mum was a Nordic named Anna-Ulla and my father was of slavic origin named Slav, Slavovic, Slavic!
...no one knows that, since I killed all in my birth-village when I was thirteen, that is including my parents a siblings, I didn´t want a past and also they were no longer any use to me...
But you wonder, what I want, do I want Money? Sex? Power?
No! all of those are just means to what I want, what I really like in life is to manipulate, manipulate just for the sake of manipulation, often I do enjoy to humiliate people, get them to do things against their own will and morals, pull hope out of their bodies and humiliate them, make them crawl for me before I execute them in what manner amuses me at the moment...
You ask yourself: is this monk who killed all of his closest capable of love...
I will surprise you since I am capable of love, not romantic or sexual such, no that sort is nothing for me!
...but I do love myself when I have pulled strings, been the puppet-master and played people like cards in a good hand in a poker game against each others...
when I miscalculate on the other hand I loath my self, I hate when I have made mistakes, this of cause happens very rarely! since I am near to perfect...
I haven´t got a weakness that most humans carry, that is a heart, I cannot feel empathy, that makes it possible for me to think clearer than most, since love to others make them predictable and easy to manipulate, I don´t feel hate either, I don´t hate my fellow humans, I just don´t care for them...
So to explain for you who I am, let´s look at an incident of what happen today...
it was early morning and I was sitting in my throne room plotting, then flap of giant wings came from above, a ghastly beast with a letter in his hand landed in front of me, my imperial guards rushed forwards to kill the freakish monster and save their ruler...
I stopped them, the beast, half-bat, half human could speak so it started speaking in a hardly degenerated way, with squeaks and ultrasound but my acute mind-maze could translate the nasty beast sounds as a deranged form of human language, it said:
Master, I come here with a letter of our latest spying activities, you might now recognize me, but I am one of the wizards working for Queen Esmeralda...
Why I look like this, well it was an experiment, we had some problems with the bats you sent us to send you so my mage master that is the senior mage injected me with a potion made out of bat-DNA and then I turned like this, the mage, the senior one, he told me that you might be able to help me,since your are a very mighty mage... I can´t stand living like this my hearing is so improved it is torture a whisper sound like an earthquake!
Please help me master...
That poor guy, ha, ha, he had really screwed up that little looks he had, been turned in to a beast... so what do you think I did? Help him, ha, ha, ha NO! this was amusing, interesting, I said to my imperial guard to archive the letter with the information and then bind that bat-wizard and take him to the onion-church clocktower, I told them not to ring the bells until I was ready to watch him suffer, oh he laid jerking and twisting at the floor when we rang the bells! sadly the chock killed him, in avery contracted painful way...
then we put him in formalin and sold him to a oligarch Freak-collector...
Why did I do this you wonder? wouldn´t he be worth more alive? Yes he might have been that and yes that you might point out that the other wizard at The Queens court would become more eager to please me after hearing the news of what happened to his mutated friend!
But, Really That is NOT the reason I did it, the reason I did it was because I could, I like to be god, so perhaps I have to correct my own previous words, what really makes me tick is power, but not such power a king or queen has, no Power to humiliate and cause paint, watch a victim beg for it´s life, breaking people down... that is the sole thing that makes me tick!
I am not an Evil man I just lack Empathy!!! ...and really is that my fault?