Underneath the Bridge ..

** Janets Photos **
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Underneath the Bridge ..

© All Rights Reserved
Taken on: March 30, 2016
Sets appears in:   2016 Photos    Ships & Rivers   
Groups appears in:   The Photographer's Club    Amateur Digital Photography/Help and Ideas    more » Colors of the World    Flickr of Emotion    Nikon Digital    England    Photography    UK    UK Flickr users    日本語flick'r    Magic Moments    Cool Outdoor Pics    My C!ty    What's your angle, buddy?    Color and Colors - No computer-generated posts.    The Light Fantastic    Your Postcard Shot    AMaZiNG    Compositions    !FlickrSoup for Soul    Beautiful is Boring    Amateurs    Point and Shoot Cameras    A Picture of Life    Pro Corner: Semi-Pro and Professional Photography / Photographer    Photos Around The World    Your Favorite Photos - Unlimited!    One a Day    City    Conceptual photography    Anything fantastic - 1 pic / day    UrFavs    Creative Photography    Beginner to Intermediate Photography    Flickritis: over 87,000 waiting for a vaccine.    Just Photos. [No AI or SL]    GREATPIX    Best Shot    Hull    Digital Photography For Beginners    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    city life    Great Shot!    FlickrToday (only 1 pic per day)    This    Total Photography (No AI or SL)    without rules    Nice pictures    2016 International Beauty    Amateur Shutterbugs    Beauty is Simple    ANYTHING ALLOWED!!!!!!    Christian Photographer Fellowship    My Everyday Life    ANY PHOTOS ALL THE TIME!!!!    An Urban Picture of Britain    Your photo goes here! no 30/60    FOTOGRAFÍA, aprendamos juntos    Favorites: 50    Project 365    Beginners, hoping for Feedback    Nikonians    Anything Goes No Limits    Great Britain    Photomatix    Photography Gallery (3 photos/day)    Just me and my camera !    CLICK the CAMERA    The World Through My Eyes ...    The Photo Of The Week ( Limit 1 per day!)    Kris Kros Contacts    Beautiful Britain    Older Photographers    Amateur Photographers United    Your mind, your photos    Girl Photographers    Urbex :: Urban Exploration    Beginners Digital Photography: Tips_Tricks_Hints    CentralFlickr    Photographic Excellence / NO PEOPLE SHOTS!    **El fotógrafo satisfecho//The satisfied photographer    `No Rules!    !Afterclass!    framed    Flickrific- Welcome New Members! Invite your friends!    Cool Britannia - The Best of British on Flickr    Everyday Photography    Digital Photography School    Outdoor Photography    A MILLION FLICKS    ANYTHING & EVERYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC / NO SL/AI    Flickr Land    Clicknflickritis    Female Photographers    Beginner's Digital Photography    Flickrholics - 3900+ members * Invite your Contacts    UK Photography Club    Flickr's Place    *Karma*    PEOPLE WHO JUST LIKE TO TAKE PHOTOS    worldwidewandering - a travel atlas    Great Capture!    500px.com    A Picture of Britain    For Everyone    * OUR WONDERFUL WORLD *    ! ART & PHOTOGRAPHY ! All artistic works welcome    Flickr Over 50    World Wide Photographers    All Day I Dream About Photography    ¡ El Gran Grupo de Flickr - 2013    1 day we'll have the most photos on Flickr    All interesting shots- NO RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!    Welcome To My World (WTMW)    EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING ELSE    Life Through My Viewfinder    Mujeres fotógrafas    Lonely Planet Publications: Photobook    Enthusiastic Amateurs    all photo    "I AM TELLING YOU A STORY HERE. CAN YOU SEE IT?"    Fotografia lo que se te antoje    New & Learning    Beautiful Earth    You Think this is Art    Pictures Of England    'What Digital Camera' flickr group    Consumerist.com    Fotográfos Apasionados, PHOTOGRAPHY LOVER'S (All World)    WowieKazowie!    *LIFE*    El Paso Joe's Place - NO invite needed - Just great photos    Shutter Sisters    CITRIT,Best of yours! / Invited shots only/comment 2 /    Black and White and Color    Art of Photography    Get noticed    One Of A Kind    Flickr Elite Group    Anything Digital [No AI or SL]    A Shot a Day ... Or So    A Celebration of Light - Let your Light Shine    Photography_Beginners    So simple, so beautiful!    Extraordinary Compositions    "FRIENDS" P1/A2    Women who ♥ Photography    Photographers Club    Your Best Photography    winkleriani    Flickriver    Picture Fantastic    NikonCLUB .it - Gruppo Ufficiale    Nothing But The Best    Existing-Light Photography    This Is England    ONE SHOT!!!!!!    Natural Light    PHOTO NOW    Photographers with Compact Cameras    DIYPhotography    Your Visions    Astounding Image (Post 1 - Comment on 3)    " Damn Cool Photographers in the WORLD " .♥.♥.♥    The Beauty of the World Through Your Eyes    Your best photo on Flickr    I paesaggi.....    The New Coolest Damn Cool Photographers In The World!    Photos That Rock! Comment 2    Post The Best    I used my best eye to take this!!    "Enjoy Life!"    Digital Photography Life    World Photography - Public Photos - Traveling - Life    Photographers World    攝影人碼頭 [ Photographer's Wharf ](post 1,award 2)    PASSION PHOTOGRAPHY (COMMENTS PHOTO)    *fotos simples/ simple photos* ( post all,comment on 1)    calatorind prin.... viatza ( Journey through..... life )    " MASTER CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY "    Cubism Award: Great Artistic Photographer - INVITED Post1 Award3    Dragon Gold Award " The Best Of Flickr "    ALL Welcome - I am sick of 'rules and regulations - New Contest    Scenics, not just landscapes!    Epic Edits PhotoDump    " Life Is Great - C'est La Vie - So ist das Leben !"    flickr in full color [No Black & White !]    FOTO mania    JnJJ    PERSONAL BEST - Preserving Meaningful Moments    "Unlimited Photos: No Rules" (NO AI, CGI or SL images)    Fotógraf@s en Zaragoza    365 Days Project    ±100 AШΑRĐZ for the «5000+» ♥Best♥ Photogs on Flickr!!    Popular Photography Magazine    2025/365 Photos    NO RULES AT ALL    soulful journey    Liberality (Post 1 / Award 2)    ◄♣♦♠♥ Together ♥♠♦♣►    The Best Picture Gallery!    Dazed and Confused - New Photographer Search    Sweet shot! New Contest: Coming Soon!    Photography Magazine, I Heart    **Simply Superb (P 1- A 2)**    TWiP    "Los mejores momentos de tu día"    Royal Group - Have a Good Light !    Photosick - 攝影發燒友    *Emozioni*    One Word: WOW!    CONCORDIANS    flickr contacts    Le Foto più Belle del Mondo - post 3 award 3 invite 1    GR8 - Photos    SeriousCompacts.com    Flickr Number One !!    Luminosity and Light    no rules Photo...........    Urban - Photography    ***SCREAM OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER***    我不是Pro, 但是我愛Photography!    "IQ" - Image Quality    British and Irish Female Photographers    This is Excellent    The world through photography    "TUTTA LA VITA DENTRO"    You made my day    PLANET EARTH OUR HOME    Beautiful Expression    ◎和風わふう☆写真社    *****FROM MY LENS*****    LOS TROTAMUNDO    ~Your Best of Point & Shoot    Take It Outside! [No SL or AI]    The Official Digital Camera Magazine Flickr Group    Arches in Architecture    1,000,000 Photos    ***** GreatShot *****    My absolute favorite pictures    British Photographers    Baú Group Images    Flickr 365    Days out and about    Amazing Capture ***No Rules, No Banning, No Sweepers***    Galeria de Imagens Post 3 - Coment 3    Our Memories, Our Times    Photography Bay    Nuevos Fotografos    _The Best Of Nikon_    ! ♡ Flickrian ♡ No Rules:) Feel Free to invite your Friends!    我愛定焦頭 | I ♥ Prime Lens    Bienvenidos todos los recuerdos / All Memories Welcome    Desafío Cualquier Cosa    Fav dispenser - Beautiful for us!    The Biggest Group! - Playground For Psychotics    " Your BEST of Today " - Through MY Eyes    !!Perfect Composition!!    Wonderful World!    **THE BEST VISIONS** ( Post 01, Award 03 )    *free shot*...no winners no losers...(post / comment / invite)    Flickr Universe    Inspirational Photography    Beauty of Life    Ambitious Photographers    Photography 24/7 {We need some activity!}    Our wonderful world    dZoom - Pasión por la Fotografia    FlickrCentral With No Posting Limit    *Flickr's BEST* - SERIOUS Photographers - Post 1/Comment 3    FLICKR HOBBY AND TEXTURES    !*Flickr Award Group*! (GIVE 5 AWARDS)    100.000.000 Flickr Photos [No AI or SL]    HULL & EAST YORKSHIRE: Photo Gallery    ★The Best Selection of Images★ Post 1 , Award 2!!!    ₪ AQUATIC ☂ WORLD ♒ EXPLORER ₪ Comment/ Award pls    Visual Delight    Languages of Europe (please, the title in your language!)    Best Pictures of The World    The WOW Gallery - Contest "What Makes You Happy"    El Click de Nikon    REALLY COOL PHOTOS    PLANET EARTH ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING    Fotografi/e Italiani/e    Show us your best    INVITE ALL YOUR CONTACTS    *FLICKR's PRO PHOTOGRAPHERS* [No AI or SL]    Photographers World (Best Friends) (Post 1 Award 3)    ! Flickr Cafe !    ! F l i c k r | S t y l e !    "LO VEO, ME GUSTA, ME INTERESA, LO FOTOGRAFÍO"    Focused In On Photography    Everything Outdoors    FOTOPEDIA by Paul Mor (POST1-COMM3 )    Mix PICTURE FOR EVERYONE    AFICIONADOS A LA FOTOGRAFIA    Amazing+Photography    Alternative Views    POTPOURRI MAGAZINE    ♦♦♦ BELLE INQUADRATURE ♦♦♦    beautiful images    MOST EXCELLENT    Aces for Bases (Post 1 - Award 2)    The world of photography    Fascination and love of life    a new world    The Photographers Association    Just One Look    Poesía y fotografía.    The Daily Post    "Most Beautiful Pictures"    just cool pictures    free and proud    ! The Flickr !    as beautiful as you want    ...-Wink's Place-...    *Hit Me with your best shot* Fire away!    The Hundred Club of Flickr    Primavera, Verano, Otoño e Invierno P1-C3    Mikytz's wOrLd    Flickeros del viejo San Juan    Camminare e fotografare – per strade di bosco e di città    Dicas de Fotografia    ***All beautiful shots and many more.    ***Flickr Global    Your pics and shots [No AI or SL]    Best Flickr Friends - B.F.Fs !    The Light Painters Society    summer and spring seasons    The World Through A Photographer's Eyes - May Contest is Now    *ANGEL AWARDS, POST 1 / GIVE 5 ANGELS , SWEEPER ACTIVE    Ilovethatphoto.net Photography Magazine    ★★★Shutter Bug - Tips & Tricks★★★    -- ESPRIMERE SE STESSI - EXPRESS YOURSELF - 50.000 + photos    "GABRIGROUP"    UK amateur photographers    *That's MY Photo ! *    Creative Photographer on Flickr! (Post 1 - Award 1)    The Key of Your Mind GOLD ☼    FLICKR EL MÁGICO MUNDO DE LA FOTOGRAFÍA★ ;-))    The NEW Flickr. "BEST" picts.!!    Flickr & Friends    ♥ ♥ Heart of ALRass ♥ ♥ قلب الرس ♥ ♥    super x    cool pets and people    FREEDOM❥自由❥свобода❥자유❥LIBERTAS❥حرية    Flickr Community (INVITE ALL CONTACTS)    Photos beautiful    Flickr Social Club    My, What A Wonderful World Of Photography!    Super Photographer (Post1 -Award 5)    CLICK!! ♥ Post 1 / Comment 2    Best Photos Around the World    PiccieShare    ♣ PHOTODETAILS ♣    Obiettivo & Fotocamera    Solidarity against cancer ♠ Solidaridad contra el cáncer    No Rules! No limits! Just pictures!    * * Nossas Vidas / Nosso Mundo * Our Life / Our World * *    brilliant magic    ♦♦♦ TAGLIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    Brilliant & Beautiful shots-post 2 comment 1    Grupo Flickr contra el cáncer. NO GROUP LIMIT    Image Gallery... B&W and Colour !!! [No AI or SL]    Gorgeous images Award**post 1/award 1    All Safe Pics Welcome    THE BEST AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY    Mordus de photos    "U.K. Photo Gallery" ( All Welcome )    TU FOTO ES ARTE - MINIS ABIERTOS    Total High Quality Photo    "TRA REALTà E SOGNO" ♪    美和藝術 Beauty and Art    * The Lucky Group - P1&C1 *    FLICKERIANS    * Open *    THE BEAUTIFUL ♥ GUIDE TO THE GOOD TIMES!**POST REGULARLY**    ABDUPOETICA    Have a Nice Day!!!    Stealing Beauty ★ Beleza Roubada [P5-P0]    Your photo of the day ~ tu foto del día    Your best creation    Nikon Europe Group    MY FLICKR FAV's (Invite a Friends Photo) P1/C2    No sin mi cámara // Not without my camera    BELLOS RETRATOS¬ ONLY BEAUTIFUL PORTRAITS    ♥♥♥♥GIRL P0WER♥♥♥♥ PUBLIC    Art, and Soul 4 U    Suspiros!!    "Only Good Photographs - PLEASE P1A2"    La magia de la fotografía    Viva la Vida! Alma e Cuore (P1-A5)    ♥ PLANET FLICKR! ♥ WHERE WE LIVE! ♥ POST EVERYDAY ♥    School of Digital Photography    ***Parisinita & friends NEW !!! (P1,C2)    * * * The House of Image Gallery (Post 1 and must Award 3)    Diary of a photographer [P1-C2]    PhotoLine    All about World    "Il sole,lo porti tu"    [][][]Not only Facebook[][][]    [][][] let's work together for a better world[][][]    [][][]serenity group[][][]    [][][]Uno scatto al giorno.....H.C.BRESSON[][][]    [][][]hung the moon[][][]    FroKnowsPhoto.com    ♦♦♦ OCCHIO FOTOGRAFICO ♦♦♦    THE BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB! CORDIALLY YOURS!    [][][]Beyond time[][][]    ★ARQUIVO DE FOTOS★    FlickrNova    The New Photo Distillery    [][][]yokopakumayoko**International Photo Gallery**[][][]    *****OUR BEAUTIFUL PLANET! YOUR BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY!*****    *****LUIZA'S FABULOUS PHOTO CLUB @ FLICKR!*****    Open exhibition at Flickr! Post 1 Award 1 !    [][][]The scent of photography[][][]    OPEN SPACE FOR PHOTOGRAPHY!*    WELCOME TO THE GROUP!    ♥ BEAUTIFUL ♥ COMPOSITION ♥    ***FOTOGRAFIA EMOCION ♥ EMOTIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY***    ♥♥♥♫♫♪♫.I L0VE&WANT 0LD FLICKR..♫♫♪♫♥♥    Love for Life --- Amor pela vida! Post 1 comment 1    [][][]La Mascotte **Gallery**[][][]    [][][]100%PERFECT[][][]    ****BEAUTIFUL FLICKR COMPOSITION****    [][][]Super Group Photographic[][][]    Moments of Life    Eyes Of Nikon    Colours Strong    [][][] Photos of the other world [][][]    Blink Again - Post 1 - Comment 2 (no 30/60 limit )    ►the best pictures◄    IMPACT    N0 BAN! N0 RULES! N0 DETECTIVE !!!!!!!!!    Fine Gold    THANK YOU FRIEND    ♥♥L0VE IS EVERYWHERE♥♥    ►the best photographs◄    Photography as hobby.    Trans-Eguzkilore.    Union of Free Photographers    New Force of Photography    Your Personal Favorite    LINEE IN FUGA ◆ LINES ON THE RUN ►POST1◆CMT1◄    Ode to joy / Ode à alegria    BE FREE Photographer's Network    El grupo de Rakel y Elsa    Photographer Universe    [][][]I'll show you pictures of my friends[][][]    Photograph is Memory    Relax - it's sunday! P1/C1    Amaneceres, atardeceres y nocturnas (AAN)    Best Shot of the Day (1 post - 3 awards to give)    Flickr OBSESSION'    the world i see    ♣ ♣ El Grupo de los amig@s ♣ ♣    Sakafotos    Flickr Photos Club    ♥ ♥ ♥ IMMAGINI - FOTO - SENTIMENTI ♥ ♥ ♥    The Free Photographers (P2 C2)    [][][]A world of photography[][][]    Your Preferred Picture **WELCOME! **    Pretty is to be happy/ Bonito é ser feliz !    !* Antologia Poetica / Poetic Anthology - By Odete de Paula    VERY NICE CAPTURES    ` FLICKR ´    Matt Granger - GYGO    ***PHOTO OF OUR MEMORIES***    Tra un Manifesto e Lo Specchio - High quality images    ♦♦♦ PHOTO VERY NICE ♦♦♦    True Friends LIKE You!    Flickr Photographer    ♥♥ FRIENDS TEAM ♥♥    ♥♥ VACATI0NS ♥♥    Citron verd    La Fotografia como Hobby    My favorite works of my Flickr friends    ~ flickr FIRSTS ~ (Please comment on 3 Photos)    A Photographers View    Photoffee    ₪ GAGA 4 ARTS ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    ❥ ENGLAND + NEW ENGLAND ❥ Please Award 2 Photos!    Yabba dabba doo!    Flickr Hall of Fame    Digital Camera World    Because every picture has a story to tell* NO Sales NO Nude    The Number One    TARJETA VISA ORO PARA TU FOTOGRAFÍA    ♥♥♥♥ HULYA PRETTY GALLERIE ♥♥♥♥    Eyes On The World    Anto 's and Maïclo's Friends    Libro de Fotos / Photo Book    F.O.O.F. (by invitation) P1/A2    flickr (unofficial)    "Photographes amateurs & pros"    la casa di Nadia & Valerio    Flick Bar    il club di simpio96    [][][] Flickr. DNA [][][]    S e C    ₪ FELIX + FRIENDS = FUN ₪ Please Award 2 Photos!    digital is the devil    ***Your best Photos on Flickr P 1-A 2 invite only / no Foto mode    NUESTRAS FOTOGRAFÍAS.    Summer Cool Camp!    About FOTO Cult    Ladrón De Momentos    Flickr center    ◆ CHALLENGE CLUB ◆ All are welcome! ◆    -- Felice ... Sutri Group    Schöne Fotos - beautiful photos    Black Cat / Gat negre    flickr clickx    [][][] Modern Times [][][]    Born to photograph + 100.000 photos...Thanks !    Fotofactory.    Nikon Camera Club    " 2 Thumbs Up "    ShowCase Images    CryptoSocio    Everyday - JOPICX (Invite your contact)    Your Preferred Group Public    "AMANECER "    Solo Belle Foto! Just Beautiful Photos!    Perfect Beauty II    Photographers aged 50 +    Expo Gallery    flickr every day!    An image to get a dream......    World Photographers' Photos WPP    The Passion of Photography    [][][] MAESTRI della luce e del colore [][][]    * Everybodys Photo Group *(All Welcome)    Our best collection    When art speaks to you...ovvero...Quando l'arte ti parla...    Reflex forever    Aspiring Stock Photographers    Photography is Life!!    Yorkshire Camera Ramblers    The Roving Lens Hounds    UNITED WORLD OF PHOTOGRAPHY - No 30/60 Group Limit    medulaparamateo~for a better world (#M4M) please award 2    Photographer's dreams - your favourite clicks    Viola's and Anto's Friends Gallery    Mars Weekly's Flickr Click    Photographers from around the world    OPPD - one pic per day    EXPLORE SENZA ALGORITMO: GLI ESCLUSI CON FOTO BELLISSIME    enjoy the life every day with a picture    Photo Digital Club    PHOTOKA    Images About Almost Anything    ♥ UNITED KINGDOM ♕ GREAT BRITAIN ♥    Qual a música?    ONLY MY FAVORITE !    Mr T's 365, why don't you try one    Fotos, wie eine Postkarte/Ansichtskarte*HIGH QUALITY2    PBWA - Photography By Wandering About    Good - Clik    ❥ BRITAIN + BRETAGNE / BREIZH ❥ pls Comment svp    All Photographers & Photographs welcome!    Your best of the best    Photo's passion of the world    We love cameras    ♣My Hat's Off to You!!    ♣Scapes!!    Eat, Pray & Love - Comer, Rezar & Amar    The Best ...    ₪ Give PEACE a Chance! ₪ Please JOIN us!    your most beautiful pictures    ㋡ flickr ○● DEPOT ㋡    A PAZ invadiu meu coração2* PEACE in our hearts! NO transports    !*ALL ARE WELCOME*!    Amateur Photographer Magazine    シ ▇▇ horizontal photographs ▇▇ 橫向照片 ▇▇    HOW WONDERFUL WORLD! ılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅    Photo Hog 12    PHOTO INN    Any colourful photos    シ 回 ENcadréES╚╝FrameD〘〙UokvirenE╔╗EMmarcaDE ۞    Free Expression Photography    ❥ YORK + NEW YORK ❥ Comment / Award Please    Garden of Life; Jardin de vie; Garten des Lebens    A Foto da História/The Story Behind the Photo    This is Why I Bought A Camera    (A) BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE RETREAT    Like it when you view it    -- ❤ Hello! --    beatifulgeographies    Amo Minha Câmera/Love my Camera/El Amor de mi Cámara    Today's Flickr    Best amateur shot    !*Flickr All Stars*!    FLICKROGRAPHY    Pictures of the World.    Photo Vision Flickr    Your Perspective and Creative    all photos for all    [][][] The best pictures [][][]    All beautiful photos are welcome!    ㋡ YᴀʜᴏO! ⦿_⦿ U2丫?    #1 Various images from around the world    Colours of Flickr    Explore Flickr (unofficial)    THE IMAGINATIVE CAMERA    First Photographers    flickr world wide    Image Creative and Research (No 60/30 limits)    Photolovers BR    Specialistz™    ₪ LOVE ❥ is ALL we ❥ NEED ₪ [Award 2]    CITIES.1    Photographic World    ★ EUROPE ★ ЕВРОПА ★ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ★ EUROPA ★    Fotografía de cualquier tipo.    Wow! I saw this! (Post all things in the eyes view)    Show All Your Photos From Around The World. NO SL/AI    A COUNTRYFILE    Momentos para no olvidar    60+ photographers    The Ultimate Photographer    ₪ ÜberUrban ▓ Street Photography ▒ Straßenfotografie ₪    ₪ YESTER-YEARS ⸎ ANTIQUE ⸎ VINTAGE-RETRO ₪    ₪ XXI ❧ CENTURY ☙ 21 ₪    mundo global de fotografias    MOOIE WALLPAPERS    SCENIC 1    Project 366 (2016)    A. LOST WORLD    ₪ kre-ART-ive ·⸎· lab-ART-ory ₪    ₪ DÉJÀ-VU 見 SEEN AGAIN 曾 ṾẸĆ ṾḷĐẸṆỌ ₪    All bridges, alle Brücken, tous les ponts    « less
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