Trash and Litter lining the shores of the Falls of the Ohio State Park, Clarksville, Indiana

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Trash and Litter lining the shores of the Falls of the Ohio State Park, Clarksville, Indiana

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Taken on: November 25, 2015
Groups appears in:   Indiana    Lou-ah-ville (The Louisville group)    more » Garbage in my shot    Outdoor Photographer Magazine (Unofficial)    U.S. State Parks & Reserves etc.    placed trash    Parks, Arboretums, Botanical Gardens    Environmental impacts    Ohio River Cities    garbage and pollution    Plants, Gardens, Parks and Landscapes    Environmental Issues caused by Humans (READ RULES)    USA - UNITED STATES OF AMERICA    TRASHH    Indiana State Parks    Of Indiana    throwaway society    Why do we do this to our home (our environment)?    Wrong.    Silent Decay USA: South-East    Tri-State area, KY, IL, and IN    National/State Parks and Historic Sites    Promote Recycling    Ohio River    Kentucky Bridges    Images of Indiana    Clean it up! ( no videos)    Photographer's in Kentucky    Trash, Litter, Pollution, and Grime    Kentucky Photographers    Junk'n Stuff    National Geographic | World Wide    Clark County Indiana    KET - Kentucky Educational Television    Saturday In The Park!    Everything Indiana    Ain't That America    U.S. City, State and National Parks    All U.S. State Parks    Plastic Is Rubbish    LA POLLUTION    Indiana State Parks and Reservoirs    Trash, Litter, Refuse, and Garbage    State Parks    US State Parks    Trash Photography Group    One Man's Trash    United states of america USA    100 Views Unlimited    200 Views Unlimited    500 Views Unlimited    300 Views Unlimited    400 Views Unlimited    800 Views Unlimited    900 Views Unlimited    600 Views Unlimited    700 Views Unlimited    ♥ AMERIKA ᵄᶩ⊺⁅ ᵣᶯªᶵ|ᵥ ͤ ⱭϺӬƦΪ₵Ѧ ♥    This is Why I Bought A Camera    « less
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