Sonnenuntergang über dem Segelhafen in der Kieler Förde

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Sonnenuntergang über dem Segelhafen in der Kieler Förde

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Taken on: September 8, 2016
Sets appears in:   Kieler Förde    Sonnenuntergang    more » 180 Favoriten    70 Kommentare    « less
Groups appears in:   Sunrise, Sunset -- Anything Sun!    Sunsets & Sunrises around the world (We Rock Again!)    more » Boats    Beaches & Sunset    Sunlight / Luz do sol    Sunset, Sunrise, all about our Sun!    Sunrise and Sunset ... Sonnenuntergang und Sonnenaufgang    Boats of All Kind    SUNSET OR SUNRISE!    Your best / most seen photos on Flickr    sunsets around the world    The Best Picture Gallery!    Beach, sunsets, rivers and lakes. Playas, atardeceres, ríos y    Crepuscolo (sunsets, sunrises, nights) (1 post - 3 awards)    agua/water/eau/wasser    Bateaux / Boats    Boats & Boat Equipment    Sunrise/Sunset Photography    Boats and boats    ♦♦♦ TUTTI I FOTOGRAFI DEL MONDO ♦♦♦    Harbours in Europe    Ships & Boats    Sun, sun and more sun    Docks, Piers, Boats, and Boat Slips    barcos,ships,boats!!! Post 1 award 1.    I Love Sunset    " PHOTOS - GERMANY or AUSTRIA" (Award 3 - please)    * Stimmungen der Sonne * soul of sun *    Simply Boats    - Reflections - (POST 1~AWARD 1)    Unexpected beauty    THE LOOK level 1 RED    THE LOOK level 2 YELLOW    MARINAS AND BOATS    *MADE IN GERMANY*    Boats, Yachts And Ships (No 30/60 Groups Rule)    * Hobbyfotografen Deutschland *    70 faves or more - no 30/60 - no SL - no people    The Magic of Colors    70 Plus (For photographers aged 70 and above)...    Fave 70-79 (post 1-fave 5) Level 8    Fave 80-89 (post 1-fave 5) Level 9    70 years + (Photographers aged 70 and better)    Les images qui ont obtenu un bon point    -- Riflessi --    9 All    *The Week , La Semaine L1 - Monday - Lundi    « less
Camera: Canon IXUS 175, f/6.3, 1/200 sec, 33.3mm, ISO 250 (more info) (hide info)
Camera: Canon IXUS 175
Aperture: f/6.3
Exposure Time: 0.005 sec (1/200)
Focal Length: 33.3mm
ISO: 250
Exposure Bias: 0 EV
Flash: Off, Did not fire
Exposure Mode: Auto
Metering Mode: Multi-segment
White Balance: Auto
Color Space: sRGB
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